Double your traffic using webmaster tools.

by Jim October 12, 2011

Following up on our crisis management/social media “disaster” post featuring Australian fashion retailer Gasp, I take a look at the organic impressions we got from that one post.

SEO impressions

What is an SEO impression? If you use Google webmaster tools you’ll be familiar with the search queries section. It shows you not only what results people are clicking on but also what they’re NOT clicking on. Adwords users would be used to this sort of data. How many times your ad appears vs how many times people click on it. You can now merge this webmaster tools data with Google analytics, presumably for those who find that going into webmaster tools is tantamount to taking the back off a watch. If all you are used to is Google Anaytics, Webmaster tools can give you a good dose of Techintimidation. There are a lot of things in there that only a webmaster could love but would make a marketers eyes glaze over. What the marketer needs to pay attention to is the phrases that you are ranking for or getting impressions for but are not getting clicked on. You may find there is double the traffic waiting for you like I did in todays vid.

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