Dont trust social media

by Jim April 8, 2010

I spoke at the ConnectNow conference in Sydney yesterday & got myself into trouble again oops.

I probably shouldn’t have told an audience of social media gurus that social media is not the answer to all your marketing needs.

A lot of social media experts have been prematurely announcing the death of SEO

They claim that they get better results asking their network for answers than Google

Here’s a few things I won’t ask my social network for advice on.

A gift for my wife – Roberta would know pretty quickly what I was planning. Social is public.

If I developed a nasty rash, I’m going to google it first before I let the world know about my inconvenient itch.

Legal advice, financial structures, dumb technical questions that I really should know the answer to. Basically anything that I want to keep private.

Anyway it didn’t go down too well! What do you think?

Also the book ‘American Psycho is banned online for Aussies to access. I access it.

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